
Objectives of the Ross Asset Management Investors Group

To be a unified voice for investors in RAM in dealing with statutory and other bodies and to  keep them updated on relevant events associated with the receivership/liquidation of RAM and related entities, with the  aim of helping to maximise value for investors.

Disclaimer – Ross Asset Management Investors Group

The Ross Asset Management Investors Group exists to fight for and with its  members.

We are not professionals in the areas of receivership, liquidation or  law.  We are ordinary citizens like you, who did not want to be in this  predicament.  The advice we give is accurate to the best of our  knowledge, and many experts in the field are helping us.  However, if  you want expert professional advice you should seek that for yourself.

If you learn something along the way that you think might help the  investor group, please feed that information back to us.  Bruce’s email  address is bruce@rosssupport.co.nz

The RAM Liquidation Committee

The RAM Investors Group (RAMIG) is not the same as the RAM Liquidation Committee, and RAMIG members should be clear in their minds about the difference.

The RAM Liquidation Committee was initiated by the liquidator (PwC) and comprises 7 members that were elected by postal ballot of investors.  The RAM Liquidation Committee’s job is to advise the liquidator, it cannot tell the liquidator what to do.

The liquidator is liable for his actions relating to the liquidation, the members of the RAM Liquidation Committee do not have any such liability.

Several members of the RAM Liquidation Committee are also members of the RAM Investors Group (RAMIG).

The Liquidation Committee has agreed that an update on matters discussed at their meetings will be provided in a summarised form following the meetings.  Whilst efforts will be made to provide as much information as possible, it should be noted that some matters discussed at these meetings will be confidential and/or subject to legal privilege.